Impact of social media on youth

Social media is computer based technology that facilitates us to share our ideas and thoughts. There are more then 4.5million social media users allover the world. The most popular sides are Facebook, Instagram Twitter, you tube. It dependent upon our interest how we can use it some people get benefit through this but some are not using this platform productively. According to a report released in 2021 by Common Sense Media on social media’s effects on teens, about half of the 1,500 young people surveyed said social media is very important for them in order to get support and advice, feel less alone, and express themselves creatively, as well as for staying in touch friends and family while social distancing. And 43 percent said that using social media makes them feel better when they are depressed, stressed, or anxious. Now a days it become the essential part of our life everyone is on social media – young, old, rich, poor also impact us productively like in COVID-19 situation we changed our nature of the work online system by using the zoom app we continued our study and get benefit through this .